Brody | Waynesboro, PA Family Photographer
I met up with Brody and his parents to document the big O-N-E! This is definitely a fun age to photograph because there is a distinct "I want to be a big kid" attitude, but still a baby at heart :) Mom and Dad are absolutely 100% smitten with their little man. I love witnessing this type of love, especially when I knew the couple before they were parents and now I get to see them in a whole new light! The session was both portrait and lifestyle based. I'm all about looking at the camera and smiling, but you all know I love just hanging back, watching the family interact, and capturing those special moments.
Happy Birthday Mr. B!
I failed to mention he is the cutest little guy ever!!!
He was obsessed with leaves. That works for me, a happy baby is a happy photographer :)

Not hard to figure out where Brody gets his good looks from. What a gorgeous family!